
Showing posts from February, 2012

Lets Play!

Our new found passion is Kite flying and Bambaram  (top spinning).  The interest suddenly hit us and we had one Enthu-Pattani (eager-beaver) who pestered his Dad to fly the kite with him. I had to literally push the parent to take our EP upstairs to the terrace/roof and fly the kite, a special one got from France (I mention this, only to point out the significance of a Kite that travels overseas, all the way from there to here, and then lies neatly packed inside, as Safety S.Sigamani can't bear to use it b'cos it may get damaged...that's why I have to push the parent:))!  They were there for close to 3 hours, so finally I had to make  a trip up to see what was happening....but my attention span is a fraction of that and I promptly came back after watching them for 10 minutes...I'm sure I would not have stayed flying a kite for so long... Then we happened upon an event by Citizen Matters, a local newsletter from Kormangala. They asked us to come fly a...

Who to choose and who to read?

Book Club at Think Box Library; while I introduce an author, we play games( Vocabulary), and some other( Fun and book based). I have always liked to work in small groups, more meaningful engagement and children too go back feeling they spent some honestly interactive time. Wondering which author to introduce for the last session, the first was Dr.Seuss, and then Jan and Stan Berenstain. Its interesting that these 2 are connected. The Berenstains worked for Dr.Seuss publishing company... I have committed to Franklin next week and so wonder who should be the last one in this 4 session Activity. Many Interesting Books/Authors out there; who to choose and who to read...That is the question!!