Citizenship – (responsibility towards the country) – Savitribhai Bhai Phule
1. Citizenship - To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity. Civic strengths that underlie healthy community life Vocabulary to be used : Lawful Responsibility Citizen Freedom Equality Community Rights Character Gender Story is suitable for children above 7 years. Some parts can be edited out as is required by your audience. (pencil sketch by Sangeeta Kamath - inspired by the story!) Hear the story by clicking on this sound cloud link: Go, Get Education Be self-reliant, be industrious Work, gather wisdom and riches, All gets lost without knowledge We become animal without wisdom, Sit idle no more, go, get education End misery of the oppressed and forsaken, You’ve got a golden chance to learn So learn and break the chains of caste. Throw away t...