Quest for Self
The more I read, I find I am delving deeper into myself. Unless we are capable of valuing and applying concepts to our own lives, it is not worth trying to impart it to our future generations. The other way to see it is as we share such valuable knowledge, we also apply it to improve our lives. It works like an equation...or come to think of it in Chemistry we have a symbol for a reversible reaction, and thats how I see this. As we Share we also Gain... This time it is a challenge to prepare the content for a Life skills programme for students between 12 to 16 years. I did not start thinking of it this way. It all began with a need for counselling as there is a high incidence of children either running away from home unable to cope with the exam stress or just plain running away. I want to do this with stories, yet do not want it to turn out like a moral science class. I have nothing against such sessions, only that to treat such valuable sharing by using a text book ...