Mughal gardens!

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Here is a montage ( for a change!), of a friends garden.

February and March is spring time her in the North and the entire station is blossoming.   I confess my garden too has some Dahlias, some meagre Pansies and Zinnias.  But after seeing this garden I don't want to spoil the visual treat for you all by showing a comparatively arid garden (mine), as against this veritable Mughal Gardens!

My friend's husband is a passionate botanist/plant lover/plant grower. He lovingly explained to us how he plans the different colours that go into the garden, the height variations and the manner in which one bed of flowers should offset the next set in terms of contrast and height!
So he had beautiful light hued sweet peas followed by a bed of Lady's lace, intermingled with some pink paper (real) flowers.
The children were awed by the "poisonous" plant at the entrance, which my daughter had to capture. (It is the solitary pot on the wall with the label!)
For once I took my camera ( without inhibitions!!), and took some amateur pics for myself. I have  a lot to work on in terms of getting the light and focus correct.

Garden stories abounded.

It is real hard work, and the Passionate Gardner has done this without the help of a full time gardner! Hats Off!!
 I always appreciate hard work and effort.....On top of that We got to enjoy the fruits of His labours!
I am pretty lazy in this area, and just listening to the PG's tales of toil and trouble, I was inspired enough to start watering my garden (at least!).
Well the Icing on the cake was the yum food we also had.

Visual and Oral treat.....why can't all Sundays end as well?!!


  1. wow !!! Such a beautiful garden !!! and maintained by someone who is not a gardener ?? wow indeed !!!

  2. Kudos to your friend.
    And you have taken your first step....took out your camera without inhibitions!!


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