Puppets on display!

Here are some of my puppets for you all to see. As i had said earlier, I like working with paper. I am not much of a puppeteer and most of my puppets are used as props. The difference is that with puppets, they themselves play the role while the puppeteer takes the role behind, whereas i keep them with me as an illustrationwith me, mostly.
I love my story box for Rupa story, and know that it is a super hit. Bhasmasura is the big puppet, while Enormous croc., is a paper cover puppet. Simba is cloth and paper. Mahishasuramardhni is a stick puppet show( I thank my friend Priyanka without whom that story could not have been done.).
So enjoy and use your creative juices to come with wonderful stories.


  1. Where are the pics?
    Read B's blog.Congrats ! You and K are going to be Nathanars! When is the wedding?

  2. profound my ass...culled all these of the internet over the years (some i have changed to get within 15 words)

    Hey...heres an idea...a family puppet show...base it on the characters that call themselves your family !! :))


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