Let Me Awake - Verse space

Sometimes we come to a point in life..I call it the Uuuuugh times.
When we question why we are unable to focus? Why we are so distracted?

I assume it is all the negativity that is associated with the job that we are given and how we percieve it. I accept. Any job requires a certain amount of positive approach. The problems inherent are to be solved and not looked as a liability.
Though at a conscious level this is something I tell myself. I know unconsciously I am bogged by the negativity.

Why am I cribbing so much?

I have a bum job at hand. I am the Ladies club Secretary. If any of you have done this, then you would know it is not an easy task. Coordinating some programme for 100 ladies, is a big responsibility and if it is a job that has been thrust on you by virtue of the fact that husband  is senior and no one else is available (thats what they say!), then you feel absolutely short changed.
I have another distress. I am non-hierarchical, by that I mean I dislike having to be subservient for hierarchy, or simply said: lap up to the seniors. The only way I know how to handle this (till now) is to avoid interacting with the senior ladies. It suited me fine, till now.
In this, I have to not only take opinions and ideas from a minimum of 5 ladies, I am also to call and recall. Confirm decisions, wait and ask again, know when it is suitable to call. Not call too many times. UUUUUgh..
Now you know.

Buying a simple gift,becomes a task in itself. No one should be left out, senior ladies must feel they have been suitably  respected. Even if there is not one ounce of respect that they do command.
Any hierarchical system of subservience is not healthy.

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake 

Where transparency and mutual respect is the main hold
Where hierarchies exist only for smoother flow of communication
Where joy and sharing is integral
Where name calling and back biting doesn't exist
Where one is employed in useful and productive work
Where subservience is abolished
Where sincerity is not abused
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

Thank You Tagore Ji...
But We are still to Awake.....


  1. Hey, good post. I can understand your trouble. Your problem with hierarchy, is it a mental block?

  2. Hi,I also face this type of situation.I understand your feeling and we also have a website called www.chennaimoms.com for mothers in chennai same like we have many sites based on city.Please visit our site and give your valuable feedback and we are looking for bloggers and ladies clubs to associate with them for some activity so please contact me through chennaimomsinfo@gmail.com


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