Whats your Weekend story?!

Weekends are my favouritest!!
1) Most Saturday's Husband is at home;). Though children go to school, I love to have that extra person at home...told you I am a people's person.

2) I schedule most of my story telling on weekends...that's when most children are free you see

3) We eat out at least once, its become a norm now.

4) Its the time I plan all creative, fun, out of the house things.

5) I clean the house. I don't know why I do this. Not that I work a full job on week days but I tend to keep my big cleaning for weekends, a habit I have from when I needed extra help and that would be available, I guess, only over the weekend!

6)Catch up with family. All long distance calls!

7) Make that new dish I've been wanting to for some time! Of course I tend to skip this when we eat that meal out!

8)Read the newspaper in a leisurely way. A lot of exchange of articles happen, as I point out what interests me and He points out his. Usually there is a pattern here, as he points out some major issues happening in the world, while I point out some tiny quirky thing happening in some corner of the world!

9)The children have full freedom to bicker, fight and make up with their weekend parent (Dad). Every weekend we have an episode. Father swears he doesn't know how/where the children have picked up some habits, and so applies himself to it's correction. Which usually ends in a lot of drama and dialogue. So Mother has to intervene with all good intentions of appeasement, only to realise, things would be well ( very well) without this other dimension!

10) I en cash on the partner's availability and keep all my discussion, thinking for these two days, as He can only exist in these 2 zones (Home and Office) independently and not together! So week ends are Home time and so our Boat sails smoothly on!

So share with me your Weekend Stories. The mundane and the exciting...the normal and the abnormal...what makes your weekend?!!


  1. The agenda is more or less the same here.. Its a day off for me from the kitchen and MIL takes over:) Reading, cleaning, playing, chatting with kiddos and a quick nap!

  2. Too cute! and would u believe it, I wrote my weekend(albiet just the gone weekend's) story on my blog! Would love to have u pop over and give it a look-see!


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