Who will cry when I die?

I was reading Robin Sharma yesterday, and every page is a gem.

This one is called "Who will cry when you die". The way in which it landed in my hands is a short story!. There is a store-in-charge cum assistant in the library I work for. Smart, diligent girl, but lack of exposure has given her a language handicap. Dusting the shelves she chanced upon this book and the title was irresistible for her. So she promptly plonked the book in my hand with a desire to have me do Bhaashan on it and in that way as they say in Tamil;"oru kallile rendu maanga"; for my more discerning readers that's Tamil metaphor for one shot,two mangoes;double pleasure! She gets philosophy expounded to her with minimum effort...
My pleasure!

Why should the book be irresistible for her...a valuable question. As I said before my student is a sharp cookie, and apparently she goes around telling her folks that no one should cry if she dies and there should be no hoohaa over her death ( that speaks volumes for the trauma this girl may have gone through). So once again her attitude and her desire to know what was in the book got me reading...

The book shares gems of wisdom and practical action, filled with tips on goals and mindfulness, no doubt this is a beautiful read by itself.
Yet the title has taken me on an inward journey.

Who will cry when I die?

Many...for sure

How will they cry?

Bitterly...sadly...longingly...for sure!

But do I want people to cry for me?

No...I don't. Not that painful, regretful cry...I dont want anyone to cry with a sense of loss...i would hate that

Then How do I want them to cry, if at all?

A few tears is all I ask
Filled with shared love and happiness
Knowing that I lived and loved well
No regrets nor pain
Having and giving in abundance
That lives in stories
For many to tell

That's all

So what do you say?


  1. A lovely book, full of wisdom. short and concise, fully practical.

    Guess what? after i read this, I who had been a late raiser, now get up early at 5 in the morning.


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