The Visitor

We have a visitor to our balcony nowadays. It was K who spotted it first.

( Actually speaking, K-boy is deeply into nature nowadays...ahem...don't be too mislead by that statement...this purely translates into 

fact 1) TV viewership having shifted from Pogo to Animal Planet

fact 2) Tall claims that he will (or has already) caught a King Cobra with his bare (bear??) hands.

so that means I have to watch him, (mind you, every time he shows this to me, I have to eagerly view it like I am seeing it for the first time), hold a wooden snake by the tail, and grab its head like they show on TV
I have to watch his blow by blow account of: 
"How to escape from a Python when it has swallowed half your body" demo..

"Nothing Happens Amma, the python will not do any harm till it swallows your legs...maybe a bone could break...but only after it reaches your hips then the bones will actually start breaking. By that time you have to take out your knife and push the Python's jaw wide and then wriggle out"...

The initial version had him cutting open the Python's jaw...but he quickly changed that to say the Python should go away safely, and he too should run away to safety...
Really touching the pinnacles of his empathy for animals.

Now I am not much of an animal lover, though my spouse is very good with animals...( amongst other species...hehehe), so I don't know where this sudden fondness for animals has engulfed the Chota Bheem. 

So much so that our neighbors dog/puppy has not been spared. Luckily for me/ us they are more than willing to have this enthu-cutlet escort their little-pup-growing-larger-in-leaps-and-bounds lovely labrador on it's daily walk. He (K, not the pup) actually sets the alarm and at 4:00 pm sharp steps out to pick up another friend, and the two, taking serious cognizance of their responsibility of  "walking the neighbor's dog", walk the dog for 45 minutes, every day for the last 10 days! 


He comes back smelling of slobber, (but then...only I one else really bothers), to regale us of his friend's (the pup, not the human friend) antics, and how he is the only one who can handle the troublesome, truant puppy!!

Love it

So coming back to the pigeon in our balcony....Oh, Yes. The guuuutterrr....guuuutterrr, is such a pleasant, morningy sound...
It is a baby ( input from husband), for it lands inside the balcony but finds it difficult to fly up and out....He/ She walks around a bit, guuuuttterring, and that's when I managed a few snaps. Irresistible, when he/she was posing so much for me...
The pics were specially taken for Junior Explorer to see when he came back from school...    


  1. what a wonderful visitor!! I can absolutely understand K's enthusiasm!

    I was laughing all the way thru the post!! all that about catching the cobra and protecting urself from a python sounds so familiar!!!!! looks like its not just the two of us who are so similar.. the traits are passing on! the two chotta bheems should get together to compare notes some day... and even as i type this the little chap is busy watching the said prog! all the nature enthu is not going to divert him from the exploits of Bheem and krishna it seems

  2. Pass on a big 'thank you' from me to K please, for the tips on how to get away from a python:) Getting away with just a bone or two broken is a decent compromise:) I like the gutteerrr, but love them at a distance because they once messed up the balcony with their droppings and the maid refused to clean :| Its nice to see the mommy bird fly back to sit on her eggs and watch over it..

  3. Oh my son is also like that.He has got that rubber snake and every time he do like this only ....boys are always same:) and the pics. are sooo cute....thanks for sharing.....lovely post.


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