Some Animal Stories

It started with an owl, that we spotted at Chitradurga fort.

He actually had a friend with him. Such a loving pair.

We also spotted some animals that were not alive. This carving dates back to pre-historic times. Prominent outline, but I wonder why it hasn't been preserved better?

Spot this guy. A very agile and quick gecko, I could get only one shot, as he suddenly scuttled under the rock and did not emerge from there again.

The Red headed parrot; a lovely close up. I realise how quick we need to be in order to capture wildlife... 

As this one swiftly walked away from camera focus

This patch of green had many egrets

While I thought this reclining serpent was a nice addition to our menagerie 

This big guy flew from right under my nose and onto a wall

A Hoopoe hopped beautifully before us, as we leisurely captured him to our hearts content! 

There is so much pleasure in capturing animals in nature, the least we can do is appreciate. 


  1. lovely captures, sowmya!!! and you are so right! what a wonderful feeling it is, to capture them!

  2. Beautifully captured. yes, you need to time correctly to capture them, else the birds simply fly away . I liked them all.

  3. Beautiful pics Sowms! Wish we get to travel together sometime soon!


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