Miss. Baigan, Mrs Kadhu, Yo Carrot and Oye Onion...Veggie stories

Story: The Great Vegetable Race
Story characters: Miss.Baingan; Mrs.Khadu Khadu, Yo Carrot; Oye Onions and the winner is Runner Beans  

Story Line: A simple story, where the veggies are excited over a competition, added flavor is the fact that Miss.Baingan thinks it is a beauty contest!

They all come prepared...but eventually the race is won by Runner Beans!!
Applause!! Applause!!

A great way to have children participate in this story is have them bring vegetables and dress it up for the story! Best suited for the little ones...

But I had fun, doing up my veggies...take a look....

Story: The Enormous Carrot
Story Characters: Any animal that you can find, people too
Story Line: Based on the story "The Enormous Turnip", I adapted it to use  a carrot as children are familiar with it and the veggie is also one that throws shoot out, which can be pulled out..

So Grandfather and his family try to pull out the carrot, but finally when all of them work together, the carrot pops out and everyone gets to eat the delicious carrot

The story can have all children becoming characters and participating and finally they can come up with different ways to cook a carrot too!! You can also use  a chant while the carrot is being pulled out:
Heave Ho...Pull and Show... 

Here we are, with a kind parent donning the mantel of the carrot, while we all pulled and pulled...

Thanks to Think Box Library@ Vignana Nagar, Bangalore and their wonderful members...
Looking forward to more...

May be at Christmas...??
Watch out...Here Comes Santa....!!


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