Merging Identities

I was driving down the other day, one of my usual and umpteenth trips to the Coaching centre in order to pick up my daughter, when I saw that girl. She was dressed in a men’s shirt and pant, short hair and shoes, the only way I could identify her gender was the slight effeminate nature of her stand. It got me wondering.

Gender and it’s use in today’s world of merging identities is a very deep and disturbing space. I know that gender was a need of evolution to identify and sort roles, to facilitate certain behaviours in order to ensure sustainability of the species.

But we no longer need such rigid lines. In fact rigidity is the reason why we are facing such excesses as gender bias and discrimination.
Our persona takes up the biological characteristics of the organs that we are born with that is all. But beyond that most of us are conditioned and taught to live in a particular way; to behave Male or to behave Female.

We further create divisiveness by inserting a third gender, and call them Transgender.

What is the point?

Are we not all transgender?

Think about it. There is greater and more evidence to show that all Human Beings irrespective of Gender have a male and female aspect to their personality. Call it Yin and Yang, or Anima and Animus, Purusha and Prakriti from Hindu myth.

In Hindu Mythology from time immemorial we have known the concept of Ardhanareeshwarer, the androgynous Lord and his consort who illustrate the inseperable male and female principle, who we worship in all its glory and piety as well. 

Whether the male absorbs the female or female absorbs the male, the fact and fundamental truth remains that we all have the potential to be one or the other and it is only a matter of choice.


What if in the future, there is no differentiation between male and female and we can choose who and what we want to be and do not force ourselves to adapt and live what our genetics shows the world?

No gender, only Transgender Male and Transgender Female; and that’s what all the innumerable forms we fill will ask us to tell. Then we are sorted in terms of the relationships we can choose to have; T.Male to T.Male, T.Female to T.Female, T.Male to T.Female and many more. There is no need for discrimination and fear of alternative relationships.

The more we divide and separate ourselves and the more differences we see, we only create an incoherent, violent society. We need to merge, see similarities and co-create a new vision for the future.

I hope we wake up to the reality of merging Identities. I hope we stop discrimination in any form. I hope love is the only language of communication.

Here is a link I found to Devdutt Patnaik's book on gender and various connotations in Hindu Mythology

There is a book too : The Man who was a Woman


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