Simple pleasure..finding the right one

A friend of mine in 5th standard wants a story for her story telling competition. What I enjoy about the school is all these extra activities that are conducted for the children. Read that as Story telling specifically, which is an integral part of the inter house competitions. Both Hindi and English story telling competitions are held from first to fifth.
It did not take me long to select a story for my friend, and here is a link to the story I chose for her. Scroll down for "The Faithful friend".
Click here

This was a time when the child's character stands out so well in my mind that the process of selecting was quite easy. Affectionate, very fond of animals and friends, so this story is ideal for her.
It is the story of a parrot that does not want to leave its injured friend , a Tree. Finally it rejoices when its love and concern is rewarded by an angel who gives back life to the tree.

Cathy Spagnoli, from whose site I took the story is a veteran story teller. What is interesting is her link to Tamilnadu and Chennai in particular as her story telling travel brought her there, and she finally married a Tamilian! She tells a lot of Asian tales, and is seen as a pioneer of English Storytelling in Asia.

The pleasure of finding the right story and telling it to people, to be able to convey the feelings and thought behind the story and how it touched me...that is pure joy in itself.

My friend has to still tell the story. She loved it, but I have to wait to find out the reaction of the judges...


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