Floating on water~~~~~~

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Is that enough water for Tulika?

No, that is not a belligerent tone. In fact I am a tad disappointed at this point as I have one collage less in my collection.
The Sea/Ocean

I have the rain at Kanpur, the river and its wondrous fall at Khajuraho, the river- sea (Ganges) at its serene best.
Yet I am sad I have not captured my beloved Bay of Bengal (Elliots Beach, Chennai). I have no pictures of my friend, philosopher, and guide.
Because the days spent along Her shores are those times when the only camera we used were our eyes and the only place to save it was in our memories.

But no sweat, this time when I go to Chennai, I am going to capture my memories and collage it for myself!

I have so many water stories to tell, where do I start?!!

I could start with the games from a time past.
Land, River, Ocean, Sea, Water...have you played this game? My childhood days were spent playing this on steps at school and home.

Or shall I tell you of days in the Monsoon of '84 when our house got flooded in and we could pail out water from the well (yes, we had/have one of those...still there at my parent's place), and even see fishes happily swimming to our door step. When visitors to our house thought we lived near a lake, as it got flooded every time we had heavy rains!!)

Or shall I tell you of the umpteen number of buckets I have carried from road to house, during those times of water shortage. Waiting for the tanker, counting out buckets, arguing with neighbors...commonplace for any Chennaite!!

I could also tell you how Dr. Jayalalitha made Rain Water Harvesting compulsory in Chennai Metro, and how that has improved the table water to such an extent that Chennai is thanking her as the Goddess!!

I also want to tell you that my Father-in-law throws a rupee coin into the river every time he crosses it and tells us all that it is to ensure the River is happy, the Water Gods are Happy, and so He and his family will be happy and never fall short of water!!

December 2006: Flash back to the tsunami. We were there, family et-al in our home by the sea, at Chennai....yet oblivious to its fury. We were but mute spectators to its destruction. I never imagined I would witness this in my lifetime, stories of which I had heard from my childhood...of giant waves crashing on the beach and carrying people away...

Water is such a pivot around which life revolves. Its sources and courses fascinates us, its wastage troubles us. (please listen to Anupam Mishra on TED

Rain in Kanpur, waterfall at Khajuraho, boating on the Ganges. Memories and moments that build our lives, build into our lives.

Lets leave nature alone...on a lighter note. Summer is here and all of us are waiting to jump into the swimming pool, so what if all that chlorine is going to bleach the hair and skin to paleness...

Water is there, it is for us, it is for life.
Stories are there, it is for us, it is for life.

One last note, I have to add that my daughter made a Power point today..all on her own...and the topic she chose for it was.....WATER....

tada...that says it all...


  1. good one! hey,i put coins into rivers too... and samhith has picked it up...when we go by train, he prefers going by second class just to put coins into the rivers :) if i had seen this one before i wrote my two bits for the blogathon, my post would have been totally different!

  2. Because the days spent along Her shores are those times when the only camera we used were our eyes and the only place to save it was in our memories.
    Hey, these lines tugged my heart, it has reference to my chennai and that too one of the other beach i like apart from santhome - the elliots.

    Water is there. Yes - now. Only if we use it cautiously will it be there.

  3. hey, just wondered...why dont u put your daughters presentation on the net too??? we would love to see it.... maybe it could be her contribution to the blogathon!

  4. Let me see
    ...will ask her first!!
    Thanks anu

  5. Liked it very much. Very thought provoking. I second Anu. We too, would like to see your daughter's presentation.


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