Au Revoir

It's that time again, to move on....

Having a partner whose job entails a migratory shift every 2 or 3 years, sounds fun, especially if you like me, enjoy traveling...but I can assure you fun is something I have stopped associating with this any more.

Yes, its time for us to move again...we have been recalled back by the same unit where my spouse was, one year and 3 months back, whose location is my second home, Bangalore.

Happy ...Yes...
Thrilled in fact...I attribute this entirely to 'Rhonda'esque thought waves that have been streaming forth from the time I landed here in Kanpur.
( For those who have not heard or read Rhonda Byron and her book Secrets...I can only say, read it/ listen to it....the audio book is worth listening to, as she huskily whispers her secret to you, making me wonder why make such a hoo-ha over it if in fact it is a secret.
No, thats not the point, the point is that she says when we start thinking positive thoughts, then we surround ourselves with positive energy, which actually materializes what we want or wish...interesting...
Nothing new, but well said, because we all wish and want so many things and hope that we can get it. Well in my case I can vouch that I did "secretly" have thoughts of going back to Bangalore and presto; we are...
Feel like some magician is there in me....good feeling...going to use this Power more often now!)

Well coming to our move...
Its been a very interesting One year and 3 months. Personally I was able to make a lot of changes within place, so literally a make over, a face change (yep, I got my hair cut!!)
...Involved myself socially. Having a partner who enjoys himself and his own company...I have finally forced myself to see that..."hey, that doesn't work for me", so here's to company and most guilty feelings!!

No more cribbing about their school...hopefully we see a better KV at Bangalore.

The best part of our stay here, is definitely that I managed to visit Khajuraho...that was a great trip, 2 women and 4 kids. My sister and I had a ball traveling alone, hoping to plan more such ones....
A trip to Ayodhya and Lucknow, with my parents...again, thoroughly enjoyed that one...
And to round it off, finally I got to travel with the partner and kids to Agra, to drink in the grandeur of the Taj...intoxicating...

Now throw in participating in 2 dances, directing the Christmas play, Ladies Club secretary, filling in as substitute teacher for 3 weeks...and finally picking up a job in KV as a Spoken English teacher ( for a short spell of 1 and half months...)

Well this stay has been eventful,so I now look forward to filling in more events into my calendar in the near future!

The piece de resistance was the fun farewell party that was hosted for my husband by his unit. If you have pre-conceived notions of how Air force parties are, then take it from me that they can be pretty boring and clichéd.
We gather, every one greets every body (at least tries to), not missing out on seniority, hierarchy is sacrosanct. Drinks and snacks are served. There is a group game, which you are forced to participate, dance and then the formal vote of thanks. By which time kids are sleepy and hungry and I am wishing they would just get it over with, and why I came in the first place!
Well, it was not the case on our farewell day. They got the formal part over in the beginning, that was great, as we actually listened to the CO and his speech (touching that it was).
Then they shoved us on to the dance floor, and well here comes the best started raining!
All of a sudden we had buckets of water pouring over us, and we find every one of us on the dance floor, dancing to some fantastic music!!
Yes my husband included!!
For the first time he allowed himself to dance in public ( he does a lot of private dancing, him and kids only!!), so it was fun for me too to let go!
The best time I have had in a long time....and the clincher for me was when my daughter ran up and said, "Amma I know why it rained today, it's because Appa is dancing in the party!!"
For that I have only one thing to say...Husband's do the darnest things when you least expect it!
That's the way this life goes: unexpected surprises, twists, and down right "I cant believe it is happening to me"!!
Looking forward to more such moments in my life...

Kanpur...Veni, Vidi, Vici....and I move on
Au revoir


  1. Aha, change is the only constant, and true in your case?:-)

  2. Ah the mess parties! Another trip down memory lane! Had some great times then as a kid! Here's to a smooth passage and happy shifting, to new place new (old) home!

  3. hey, welcome down south. Have a smooth transition and hope to meet you in person some day in bangalore( when i am on vacation)

  4. Congrats and good luck at Bangalore!

  5. Great! enjoy yourself! wish you were moving to bombay, though! would have loved to meet you!

  6. Satya dancing- hope you got some pics of him!


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