She and I are the same....

My son came back from school and as usual the auto chap had ditched them and they had to come back in the hot sun.

(Unusually hot this summer Bangalore is fast losing its green cover, I see wonderful avenues denuded in the name of expansion. Yet this topic is a double-edged sword as the roads are pretty narrow and one can find heavy, heavy traffic lumbering through snaky picturesque narrow lanes.)

He was upset for many reasons. Having had to carry two bags (he was helping his sister), and feeling hot, and as he had not eaten his fill at school. Even on half-days he carries a good solid meal to school, as hungry boy is a seriously upset boy!

So today he was upset and angry. Throwing his bag on the floor and kicking his shoes here and there. He removed his belt and socks, yelled for some water and kept shouting and yelling. I had no idea why...

So cautiously I questioned him and he said;

My teacher did not allow me to eat today. I am so angry with her.

But why?

She doesnt like us eating inside the class.

But why?

Because we spill food

Then what does she want?

She wants us to go out and eat.

Ok,why didn't you?

Its too hot.

So you did not eat.


But, that's not right...

Yes, but she and I are the same. So why can't I eat inside?

Sometimes we are stymied by the words children use. Obviously my son was referring to the "human" factor here. His ability to eat inside without spilling is overruled by an inability to see that sometimes rules are pretty useless when that very human factor of discretion and flexibility is ignored.

A child can see that...

He could also have meant that she is equally capable of spilling...just as well as him...


  1. I love this! Am waiting for the day when kids would say out loud and clear : " hey! I am really hungry now! Does anyone want to eat with me here?!" (also looking at their teacher!)

  2. Very true, a child can see the simple logic that we fail to see at times.

  3. I liked this too. It teaches us how children are more insightful and perceptive than we give them credit for.

  4. feels so nice to read one of your posts again after so long....... and i think he is so right.... if he doesnt want to go out, he shd be allowed to eat in the class... the teacher can tell him to be careful and not spill anything.. kids generally learn things given the responsibility.. here things are the opposite.. for certain reasons, the kids arent allowed to go out by themselves during the recess, and have to eat in the class... i used to think that would be boring, but samhith enjoys it... the teacher also eats with them, and once she explained that she finishes everything on her plate, whether she likes it or not, he understood and does the same.. works wonders, believe me... he refuses to even come near curd at home, but has it at school... the teacher should always explain by example...

  5. Awesome! u have a very wise child..


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