Story Time with Baba Yaga

I tell stories
and when I have the space and audience to tell every weekend; regularly...what more can I ask?!

Baba Yaga; a Russian Folk tale is full of fun and adventure, and loads of creativity too. Just like we have many Indian stories that get loaded and presented in different ways,so also Baby Yaga is a character who claims her right in many stories. The one I chose was for kids and they loved it.

We also made a Witch hat at the end of it!! 


  1. When and where was this? looks like u are really busy telling stories! i love the baba yaga stories too, but somehow, samhith doesnt seem to see it that way.. i got him a russian folk tale book, but he didnt really enjoy it.... u shd record ur stories and send them to me... maybe then he will like them too!

  2. enjoy, what a great element in your mosaic work profile.

  3. Hey...I love russian folk tales, and I remember baba yaga ...She was really scary to me as a kid..
    I still remember her hut stood on a clawed foot(is that correct?)


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