When your work is fun!

Stories for some are just play and fun,
for sure that's true, and thats how it should be too
Yet there is some serious thought involved 
as what we say is what we hear 
and what we hear is what we have experienced...
so Teachers and all be aware of what you say 
for little minds are creative and the experience that you give 
is deeply etched in their hearing and 
greatly reflected in their saying...

So I said, when I did the workshop at the Airforce school in Bangalore
as I emphasized the need for good stories, preferably Personal and Real as against
Symbolic and Abstract, for the purpose of a story is to connect with the child and get his world...
rather than thrust metaphorical stories on a mind that is too young to comprehend....

any comments on that is welcome....   


  1. keep it real, keep it personal. yea that seems simply a wonderful to say stories. you look like you're in the zen zone di- happy for you.

  2. nice one, sowmya! so true... kids can actually understand real stories better than metaphorical ones.... and we get to answer lesser questions too, that way!! i think u shd start recording and uploading videos of your storytelling sessions, so that we can enjoy them too..... take along your kids and ask them to record the video!


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