Be Happy

Be Happy

I have joined this Theatre group....purely to inflate myself...a total drain on creativity, happiness has forced me to look for a magical space and there it is...

2 wonderful souls, driving a passion train, helping people like me connect with a world that is not competition, judgement, criticism...

My assignment for this week to find moments when I experience Nothingness...I could think of a few...
sleep being one...
moments with loved ones...when we savour our babies...there is an absolute surrender into nothingness...
when I am playing a video game!!)... 

 Turning inwards, within ourselves and finding that peace...that is nothingness as well... happens while meditating...

I still have till next week to explore this Nothingness...

Do you know or have you experienced any?...

hey one more...when I look into the night sky sitting on the beach....staring into that Space...the Nothingness and Oneness....invades my soul...


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