"Meet n Greet" an Author

How exciting to read a book with the person who wrote it!!

Obviously the passion and the nuances,
 the thought and the idea behind a page or a word
 is transmitted seamlessly.
Arthi Anand Navaneeth shared her new book, released by Tulika publishers called
"Have you Seen This"

A curious yarn she has spun 

Through questions that make us imagine

When things may not be as they appear

Then we ask ourselves,"Have you seen This"!! 

Delighted to have her interact with kids at thinkBox library, last Saturday (Sept.22nd)

Kids jumped into an imaginary questioning world with Arthi, as she also spoke about bonding through and with books to parents who had come along.

What's best is that the book is bilingual and can be bought in 5 different languages along with English;
Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarathi, Marathi and Kanada!


I was all curious to know which was her favorite book...and I was told 'The Little Prince', ok...the Book club at think Box has one more book to discuss and review...yep waiting to see how we can read it together!

Arthi also spoke about ways to find new words, and touched upon the publishing/printing world...loads of hard work put in by a team of passionate people and Viola, a lovely, colourful book to behold!!

I am sure many parents in the audience were inspired to read more with their kids, and I imagine there will be some authors atleast from this team of kids.

Lets wait and see!!

But most of all, Thanks to Bhakthi and her library: thinkBox, we have a place, this side of town to bond over books!

(oops, missed out that Hindi, Bengali and Telugu versions are also available

and do check out the following link:


  1. wonderful!!! i havent yet got a glimpse of the book, but have heard about it.. and i missed a reading of the book here in mumbai too... though it wasnt by Arti but someone else.. i am envying u more and more for all the interesting things u get up to :D

  2. HI SSS,
    I've lost my phone and dont have ur number.
    Can you message me ur phone number pls.
    Just thought i'll catch up.
    Nice to read abt the book read. Now I must come to this library!


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