N and P words: A case for analyses

A hectic month and half for a person who likes loads of space...this was a good season of storytelling with children for me.

Interestingly I have been reading a lot as well. My on and off relationship with books saw a marked changed when I finished 3 books thanks to a dear friend of mine.

"Emperor of Maladies" was an eye opener, a fact-pack if I may coin such a word. All you need to know about Cancer and more. It leans heavily towards metaphorical storytelling, using feelings and emotions to paint a picture of this disease through the ages. (The other 2 books were totally different from this, "the Curious incident of the dog" and The Giraffes Tears"; I recommend both as subtle, honest and wonderful literature)

Yet what I want to vent about today is based on none of these.
Hmm...actually it is slightly relevant to the first book I mentioned....  

Siddhartha Mukherjee paints a grim picture of Cancer, the phantasmagorical disease of the genes. He is quite forthright in saying that he foresees a future, with every second person having had some encounter with this debilitation.

That got me thinking...

 What is a debilitating disease...is it the sudden onset of a painful killer or is it the slow ponderous  "Age" catching up?
I promise you it is neither…

The greatest debilitation comes from our thinking…and specifically from thinking negatively.

In my mind just as I have started calling Cancer the C word (a cuss actually), I have also started calling Negativity the N word.

There is nothing more subtle than the N word to slowly squeeze the juices out of you.
It saps your energy, it drains you of life and soon you are but a mere shadow of your former self. Unable to move on, unable to live…

In it its advanced stages this disease takes over your identity and more cruelly becomes contagious.  It wants to spread and so in its hunger to spread it sends its talons into others, sucking their life and soul too…

This is the Dementor from Rowling’s imagination…
This is the most debilitating disease of our existence...

It can creep subtly into your house/home, through small words and actions, then grow proportionately as it feeds on simmering resentment, frustration and distorted thinking. Once it has found a foot hold, eviction is as difficult as throwing a stubborn tenant out of your house. 

I leave you for a minute to ponder over this nightmare...


(Imagine a life taken over by your negative thinking, where everyone is wrong and everything can go wrong...fear filled days, anger soaked reactions, seething eruptions of temper, mind numbing thoughts that paralyze you, scathing cutting words that paralyze others...fear ...anger...anger...fear...

Oh God what is this?

This is living a nightmare....A soul that lives but is dead...)

Funnily this disease is highly curable... 
But it lies completely in our hands (and minds)

We have to first recognize that we suffer from this disease and then of course actively seek a cure ...which is the toughest part...
Once we have crossed this, the cure in itself is readily available for us to practice and heal ourselves...how simple that sounds....

There are millions and millions of us out there who suffer from this disease and we don't even know it...
 DO NOT let this disease into your house....be Aware

The weaker you are the stronger hold the N word has over you....this is the susceptibility factor that determines whether you will get infected or not...again I assure you, identification of the cause is the first step towards it's cure...

Cure starts by ingesting daily doses of the healthy P-pill!! Start by practicing Positive words...at all times...in all places....

Does your child hit other kids? Then tell him hands are to be used gently...teach him to stroke a pet...or stroke you when you lie on his lap...

Have Do words...not Dont words...for yourself and for others...

As I struggle to internalize positivity into my life I become aware how subtle this change is...I have to cut myself away from past experiences, I have to sever relationship with current modes of interactions that are negative...I have to constantly work on myself...

Otherwise this disease will infect me....


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