Here is the Ganges


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Here is the Ganges. Serene, and peaceful, she is the narrowest here. I believe she is only 20 metres deep here. This place is called Bithoor, about 30Km from where we live in Kanapur. It has one of 3 temples to Lord Brahma on it's shores. If you expect a beautiful temple, it is disappointment time. There is a small shrine which says, Brahmesvar that's all.
It is dirty in parts, more muddy than dirt. I would say it is much cleaner than what I expected. A lot of effort is being put into keeping the Ganges clean especially in these parts. There is one organisation called "ecofriends" here, that is doing a lot of work on the Ganges.
There is not much to see, but one can do some boating here. We got into one. It is fairly a medium sized one and we did a peaceful turn of the Ganges. My husband was asking for the Mae vests..(hahah..Traveling abroad does that to you!!)

It was quite thrilling for me to see the river, as I imagined the many Kings and Sages who had touched this river. It is the river of our Myths. It made me feel minute in the wake of it's immortality.
It also connects Kanpur to many other cities and we sat wondering how many different people and things would have gone up and down this river. So many colours and hues would have used this river... for so many different purposes...

Near this Ghat is a shrine to the Sai Baba, a beautiful temple, similar to the shrine in Shirdi. We paid homage, took the prasad, and returned back to Kanpur.
A simple peaceful day, well spent. My husband too had a good break.


  1. never knew about this place..... but you know, in the north, many of the smaller shrines are disappointing, esp for us from the south...

  2. I liked what you wrote. Many people and things would have gone up and down this river.Very rarely I think abt. such things. Good imagination and it made a nice read.

  3. Yay sow... you seem to be having a rocking time in Kanpur! Ensaai!


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