Viva la India!

I feel happy that my daughter is part of a schooling experience that really exposes her to different communities and cultures. I may have many other cribs about the school, but The Kendriya Vidyalaya schools have one thing that they offer children, an exposure to India and the essence of living in a cultural Pongal Pot(Pongal is a kind of Khichidi, or a rice and Dal mixture)!!
They have inspection days, basically days when the children yet again don't study but prepare cultural shows and programs. Don't harangue me, but sometimes I think they do nothing else, so that is my crib!
I cribbed about getting her dressed up yet again, just to stand there for the arrival of the chief guest.Yet she loves this, so ok, but please dont agree to every get up the teacher assigns to you, I told her. "Mean" you may think, but I have to draw the line somewhere, otherwise I will be stretching my creative abilities.
She had to go as a Maharashtrian girl. So some running around and I got her dressed up. She really looked good!. Cutie that she is !
I am not finished as yet. The point of this blog is what happened when she greeted the Chief Guest. It turned out he is a Maharashtrian, and he spoke to her in Marathi!!
...She is a smart Tamil cookie!! She managed to answer him; in English though.

Yet I wondered how she understood what he asked, and she says thats because she has a couple of Marathi friends, who keep talking in Marathi!!...
Wow, I thought, where else will my kid get such an exposure?
Viva la India!!


  1. way to go Uthara!
    pretty good, KV! :)

  2. Hi Sowmya,

    Your Daughter is able to get this exposure because of your openness and acceptance that she is the best what so ever... Once accepted and are at par with the parents in terms of respect i can see that they can touch or reach out to anything. As their self esteem has already been built at home... way to go Sowmya ...good

  3. cool...well rounded a IIT tutorial center anyday !!


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